Recent Activities
LED Lights: Mother's Day Cards
What better way to say Happy Mother’s Day than through lights and thoughtful words?
Make a Robot Hand
Learn how to make a synthetic hand that you can control the fingers of out of common household materials. Download – Make a Robot Hand
Paper Tower Challenge
Using three pieces of 8.5×11 sheets of paper, scissors, and no glue, tape, or any other adhesive, try to make the tallest freestanding structure you can!
Paper Planes
Now that we're no longer in the classroom, this is the perfect time to practice our paper plane making skills. Here is a simple airplane you can make at home.

Get Involved
Tinker Lab partners with local schools and community organizations to provide STEAM enrichment in a variety of in-school and afterschool residencies, outreach events, workshops, and family tinker festivals. Current partners include P.S.56 Lewis Latimer School, P.S.22Q, I.S.237Q, Queens Public Library, and the Child Center of New York Latimer Gardens, among others. Contact us to partner!
You can host a birthday at the Tinker Lab. Children can participate in the Hebocon activity.
Hebocon is a robot sumo-wrestling “competition.” It is a competition where robots–that have been built out of re-use materials –gather and somehow manage to engage in odd, funny battles.