Recent Activities
Paper Bouquet
Flowers are a timeless and beloved gift, but by creating a bouquet yourself, you can add a special touch.
Design Your Own Mug
No more settling for mugs that don't match your vibe! Have some fun creating your very own personalized mug, perfect for yourself or as a heartfelt gift for your special Valentine!
Skittles Rainbow Spectacular
With just a pack of your favorite candy, Skittles, you can create a fun experiment.
Storm in a Jar
This holiday, we will be encapsulating makeshift snowstorms in mason jars. This fun science experiment mixes household substances to create the illusion of stormy weather through chemical reactions!
Homemade Puzzles (Part 2)
Staying at home these weeks has been very challenging for all of us, and we need to find new and fun things to find joy in our days. Making your own puzzle is a fun activity and a great workout for our brains.
Paper Magic
Would you believe me if I said that you could cut a hole in a sheet of paper that’s large enough for you to pass through? Or even that you could make a sheet of paper stretchy? It’s true!
Homemade Puzzles (Part 1)
Staying at home these weeks has been very challenging for all of us, and we need to find new and fun things to find joy in our days. Making your own puzzle is a fun activity and a great workout for our brains.
Upcycled Holiday Decorations
These eco-friendly ornaments are easy to make and zero waste! Download – Upcycled Holiday Decorations
Make Art with Flowers
Spring brings lots of flowers all around us. Transform fresh flowers into art! Download – Make Art with Flowers
DIY Scratch Art
Scratch art is a fun way to make colorful designs! Download – DIY Scratch Art
Paper Islands
Give each person joining this challenge a sheet of paper, some tape, and a pair of scissors. Using these materials, build a paper island that can float in a bowl of water.
Make Your Own Flipbooks
Flipbooks are one of the simplest ways to create animation or pictures that move. This week, we are going to create a flipbook that teaches us about animation and the different phases of the moon.

Get Involved
Tinker Lab partners with local schools and community organizations to provide STEAM enrichment in a variety of in-school and afterschool residencies, outreach events, workshops, and family tinker festivals. Current partners include P.S.56 Lewis Latimer School, P.S.22Q, I.S.237Q, Queens Public Library, and the Child Center of New York Latimer Gardens, among others. Contact us to partner!
You can host a birthday at the Tinker Lab. Children can participate in the Hebocon activity.
Hebocon is a robot sumo-wrestling “competition.” It is a competition where robots–that have been built out of re-use materials –gather and somehow manage to engage in odd, funny battles.